An Informal History of the UT Austin Tech Community

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This is an unconfirmed list. Some were already married when they arrived on the scene. Please help us identify those. Also any who were married to other persons when they arrived on the IT scene, denoted by *

Met and married at UT

Terry Alexander and Scott Dolan
Bill Wagner and Barbara Galarneault
Monte Price and Anne Tormollan
George Kullenberg and Anne McClain
Chuck McClenon and Lizanne Ledbetter
Luther and Michelle Keeler
Sherry Eubanks* and Terry Helton*

note, these might be in order of marriage date, thru here. After this, editors can rearrange.

Cindy and Jay Ramos
Deborah and Kirk Tate
Jen and Forrest Reynolds

Tracy* and Chris Caillouet*
Julie and Scott Johns
Elizabeth Komara and Kerry Johnson
Mike Guentzel* and Susan LaRonde
Steve Fleming and Jenny Busico
Eda and Tim Matthews
John Wheat* and Alice Hatfield
Frank* and Michelle Valiulis
Lori Mah and Dustin Slater

Trainees in the bullpen, Summer of Love, 2000

Dianne and Marc Parrish
Brian and Allison James
Olga and Juan Ortiz
Tim Chamberlain, met Lindsay Mounce, already at UT

Already married when they arrived

Kevin and Barbara Craig
Bill Kaigler and Karen White
Deni and Jim Zwiener
EB and Cindy Ellis
Kristi and Derek Fisher

Already engaged when they arrived

Julie Zeigler and Karl Martinez

office_romances.1423978812.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/15 05:40 by mcclenon